Vision research

If you are just getting into photography then you are probably wondering if it’s worth the price to break down and pay for an ultrahigh-speed camera. There are a few different options that you have from regular high speed cameras to ultrahigh-speed cameras and slow motion cameras. Doing extensive research will tell you what you need to know about the kind of camera you are going to need depending on the type of photography you are planning to do. Here is a little more information on ultrahigh-speed cameras specifically and if you should invest in one so early in your career.

There are three main speeds in cameras; slow, medium and fast. Makes sense doesn’t it? It seems fairly self explanatory but let’s look at each of them in detail and weigh out the pros and cons.

Slow ISO Ratings
Generally speaking, average slow ISO ratings are anywhere from 50-200. Slow ISO speeds give you the best quality of picture. Tonal reproduction and the coloring of the image will be very high quality and the noise generated in the picture will be at a minimum. Blurring moving objects is a lot easier with slower ISO speeds as well. The best kind of photography done with slow ISO speeds are things like landscapes and views. On the other hand, the shutter speed on slow ISO speed cameras is very slow and can cause a lot of camera shake if you are hand holding while taking a picture. The slow shutter speed is great for blurring but if this is not what you are going for, it can get frustrating. The worst thing is to get frustrated at your photography. Especially in the beginning you need to enjoy what you are doing and be happy with the results you are getting, otherwise you may stop when you actually have great potential because you don’t believe in yourself anymore.

This is anywhere from 250-400. A medium speed camera will offer a similar quality picture to low ISO cameras but your shutter speed will be faster. If you do not have a specific genre of photography that you are focusing on, this is probably the speed you want to go for, especially if you just starting out. The only negative factor about medium ISO ratings is that the coloring of the image may seem saturated or not as accurate as real life. However, this can always be fixed during editing.

Fast ISO Ratings
Fast speeds are anything from 500-650 and anything above 650 is considered an ultrahigh-speed camera. The good thing about these speeds is that you can handhold your camera even in low light with minimal camera shake. The shutter speed is very fast and you can even freeze objects when they are moving in low lighting. The faster speed the camera has, the easier it is to add grain and mood to the image. This is great if you are planning on converting the image to a black and white picture. Fast speeds are best for avoiding camera shake when photographing fast moving subjects such as sports plays, etc. The downside to fast ISO ratings is that the quality of the image is probably the lowest of them all. The faster speeds that the camera is capable of, the lower the quality is going to be. Plus, you’ll end up with a lot of noise and less accurate coloring and sharpness. Some of this can be fixed during the editing process but not all.

So, should you get a fast speed camera right away? Probably not. Not unless you are specifically going to be focusing on fast moving objects. If your goal is more general photography or still subjects, then you probably will be able to get away with a medium speed camera instead. Don’t try to do too much right away, it can be overwhelming and could even cause you so much frustration that you end up giving up before you’ve even really gotten started. Invest in a medium speed camera and then once your clientele has grown and your ability increased, start looking in to high speed cameras and how they could benefit your career.