Camping has been a popular activity for many years, and continues to be so in the twenty-first century. It’s estimated that Millennials and members of Generation X make up three-quarters of everyone who currently goes camping. While over half of campers stay within 100 miles of home, many like to pack up all the supplies they’ll need so they don’t have to leave their campsite until their trip is over. Packing for a camping trip, no matter how long or short, includes packing a cooler with food and other perishable supplies. There are a variety of coolers to choose from for camping trips, and this article will briefly look at several types of coolers that you can take.

  • Hard Coolers: One type of cooler you can take with you are hard coolers. These are coolers that, as their name implies, have hard sides and a hard lid. They can come in a variety of sizes and the larger varieties can readily be packed to hold several days worth of food. Hard coolers are ideal for longer camping trips, lasting up to a week or longer, because of their relative size and durability. Hard coolers can hold up under a lot of stress and can be taken to just about any environment for a camping trip.
  • Soft Side Coolers: Another type of cooler that you can take on your camping trips are soft side coolers. Unlike hard coolers, which have a hard frame, soft side coolers are made from a collapsible material and can be folded up and put away when they’re not being used. Generally speaking, soft side coolers aren’t as large as hard coolers and can’t be used to carry as much food or perishable supplies. Soft sided coolers are best for shorter camping trips, like a weekend or overnight trip where not as much food is needed for the trip.
  • Portable Fridge Freezers: A third type of cooler that you can take on a camping trip is a portable fridge freezer. These are like miniature refrigerators that can be plugged in to a power source. A portable fridge freezer is best if you’re going camping but staying in a cabin instead of a tent. While some campsites do have a power outlet available, plugging in a portable fridge freezer outside is not recommended because it shouldn’t be left out exposed to the elements, which could damage it and subsequently ruin the food inside.

In conclusion, there are several varieties of coolers that you can take with you on a camping trip. For longer camping trips, it’s preferable to take a hard cooler since it can hold a lot of perishable food inside. For a shorter trip, a soft side cooler is the way to go. And if you’re staying in a cabin for a few days, consider taking a portable fridge freezer to store any food you need. These are just a few of the options available, but you should consider them all the next time you plan a camping trip.