Many Americans enjoy outdoor sports that involve recreational vehicles such as ATVs, boats(speed boats and pontoon boats), and snowmobiles. Sometimes, these vehicles can be used for work, but just as often, a boat can be used for leisurely fishing or a party and a snowmobile or ATV is a great way to cruise around wild terrain for fun. So, anyone looking for a snowmobile for sale or boats for sale may end up visiting a large outdoor retailer, which will have all kinds of recreational vehicles on their grounds. Those boats and snowmobile for sale often come with a towing trailer, too, so the new owner can haul them home with a pickup truck or a strong SUV. And don’t forget about finding used boats for sale or gently used snowmobile for sale, either. They may be found at a greatly discounted price.
All About Recreational Vehicles
How often are Americans buying and using these vehicles, or visiting ATV dealers and motorcycle dealers? Between January and March 2017, to name one example, just under 41,000 ATVs sold across the United States, and a majority of snowmobiles around the world are sold in Canada and the United States. The U.S. is home to 1.2 million registered snowmobiles and Canada has another 600,000, and the economic impact of snowmobiles weighs in at $26 billion each year in the U.S. and $8 billion in Canada. In Europe and Russia, that figure stands at $5 billion.
Snowmobiles are an excellent way to get around on snowy terrain, such as in Canada or states like Minnesota and Montana. But what about ATVs, motorcycles, and boats? Boating is a huge industry today, and while many Americans buy them, others are renting boats at local marinas to take part in all kinds of water sports. It is believed that Americans own a grand total of 15 million boats or so, and some 87 million Americans take part in recreational boating each year. This includes both speed boats and pontoon boats. Meanwhile, the United States is home to around 8.4 million registered motorcycles, according to the Department of Transportation, in the year 2011. This amounts to one in every 36 Americans owning their own motorcycle, and they are a common sight on roads anywhere.
Buying a New or Used Vehicle
Purchasing an ATV or snowmobile for sale means knowing where to find them, and whether to buy new or used (and buying used has some overlap with renting them). A newer vehicle will almost definitely cost more, but then again, a new snowmobile, ATV, motorcycle, or boat will be in excellent condition and repair, and it will also come with factory warranties. Not to mention how it will have modern standards for fuel efficiency, speed, safety, and features, so anyone who can afford to finance a new vehicle should consider this strongly. Seasonal sales can lower the price of a new vehicle somewhat, making it even more attractive.
As for used vehicles, these can be found at dealers and from private sellers alike, and a number of websites can make it easier to find them. a gently used vehicle’s price will vary, and a private seller is free to decide their own price, but it is safe to say that used vehicles can be bought for discounted prices. This can make them attractive to budget-oriented buyers who don’t necessarily need top-of-the-line vehicles for recreation. And this may be a good way to find older models that are no longer in production and difficult to find at retailers.
Buying used means assessing the vehicle in question before making a purchase. The buyer should look it over in person, and check its engine, body, seats, and anything else for obvious wear and tear or outstanding repair needs. It may also help to take these used vehicles for a test run to determine the engine’s performance, and a used boat should have its ballast tank checked for any invasive species (such as mussels) living inside. If the vehicle’s repair needs are minor, then it may prove a fine investment, and the new owner can touch it up later. For example, a used boat’s old carpeting can be torn up, and new carpeting can be laid down and glued into place.