Why Your Company Should be Using Digital Driven Contests
If you are someone (or know someone) who is looking to increase the number of customers your business reaches, you should consider using a digital driven contest in order to improve loyalty and your customer base. When it comes to digital marketing, one of the most effective tools are digital drive contests which can improve social engagement and in turn loyalty among customers. The use of such program is fun for the consumers and also great for companies, as they improve their business.
1. A majority of people have played an online game, so keep that in mind when you create an online digital driven contest.
When it comes to playing online games, approximately 70% of people have played an online game before. This means, that a majority of people are familiar with games and like to be engaged. Thus, if you use an effective digital driven contest you are likely to please at least some customers, resulting in a great benefit to your business. Keep in mind that you must keep the game youthful and regularly changing, as so many games exist so new content is essential to keep the attention of people.
2. Approximately one-third of participants that take part in a digital driven contest or see an ad are likely to request more information about that company.
Knowing that one-third of online contest participants opt-in to receive information from brands and partners, you want to do what you can to implement the use of online games in order to reach customers. In turn, they are going to opt-in to learn more about your company. Thus, if you can, create an online game that will engage customers and get them to request more information about your organization.
3. Games such as a digital driven contest or social fantasy games that attract customers increase the audience by approximately 34 percent.
When it comes to new online contest campaigns, use of such games will acquire a 34% audience increase on average. This means that by creating an online game that caters to your customers, you will be able to reach a greater audience. The bigger an audience that you reach, you are likely to improve your economic gains. Thus, if you can, create a game that will attract potential consumers in order to up the amount of money you make.
If you found these tips helpful, then you are on the right track to learning the benefits of using a digital driven contest in order to reach customers. The most important thing to do in order to use a digital driven contest to your benefit is to follow the tips above to reach customers the best way possible. First, know that a majority of people have played an online game, so keep that in mind when you create an online digital driven contest. Second, knowing that approximately one-third of participants to see an ad are likely to request more information about that company so use ads! Lastly, games improve audience attention so be sure to use them to your advantage to get more attention of potential customers.