Sports can be either on dry land or on water, and in recent years, water sports have only grown in popularity, and not just fishing or dive boarding. In fact, in 2017, about 13.4% of the American population took part in water sports, and in general, 19.6% of Millenials, those born 1982-1995, participate in water sports. Boats are often key to these activities, and boat rental can make it very affordable. Between buying these vessels and boat rental, it is believed that 87 million American adults take part in recreational boating. Some sports to try include wakeboarding and wakesurfing, both of which require a boat to be performed. What are these sports, and how can boats help out?

Wakesurfing and Wakeboarding

Boat rental allows one to take part in these two sports, and wakeboarding and wakesurfing alike take some specialized gear and skill to try out. According to wake Up Wakeboarding, these two sports have some differences, but can be great fun with a boat rental on a lake. Personal watercraft can add customization to the sport, too.

Wakesurfing is a variation of traditional surfing done on ocean waves, but by nature, this sport is more flexible than regular surfing. For one thing, wakesurfing requires a boat rather than a proper ocean with waves, and ocean waves will only last between five and 30 seconds, while the surf-capable wake created by a boat can last much longer. This sport was largely an experiment until the 1980s and 1990s, and has now become a proper sport. The surfer uses a rope to build momentum and keep up with the boat as it accelerated on the lake’s surface, riding on a surf board around five feet long. Once momentum is built, the surfer can ride the boat’s wake as long as desired, and the surfer no longer needs to hang onto a rope or cable to stay with the boat and maintain speed. The surfer often stays close to the boat, and as a bonus, the surfer can chat with the people on the boat and get words of encouragement and cheers.

Wakeboarding is related to wakesurfing, and again involves boats, whether owned or a boat rental. This time, the board is smaller, and the wakeboard player hangs onto a wide handle at the end of a cable that’s attached to the boat. This cable is often between 52 and 78 feet, meaning the surfer is further away from the boat than during wakesurfing. To perform wakeboarding, the boarder hangs onto the cable’s handles as the boat motors along the lake, and the boarder stays balanced and maintains the boat’s exact speed. Unlike with wakesurfing, the wake boarder stays connected to the boat the entire time. This sport is popular; in 2016, about 2.91 million adults in the U.S. took part in it.

Personal watercraft such as a pontoon boat allow for more relaxed recreation on the water. Someone on this boat can simply have a picnic or go fishing alone or with friends, and anyone on board can watch wakesurfing or wakeboarding friends from anywhere on the lake. Wake surfers and wake boarders, once tired, could take a break on board a pontoon boat for lunch or refreshments, and let someone else take a turn with the wake boards or surfboards.